Sunday, 28 June 2009

Fear, Fear and More Fear

Spent the day at Adastral Park (Ipswich,UK) Fun Day. We were promoting Public Speaking clubs. Handed out over 100 leaflets to passers bye.

When handing out the leaflet we asked them if they would like to take part in a short, fun, contest. Around 25% said NO and admitted to being terrified. A further 25% said maybe or that they would twist a partner, child or siblings arm.

The other 50% gave an emphatic yes. The contest was to be held in a small lecture theatre at 2:30. When the time arrived no-one turned up, not one person, nobody at all.

We felt our location must be the issue as the theatre was not easy to find. Perhaps there were other events that proved more attractive, who knows?

I suspect a large part of it was due to fear and that once people had time to think they had an attack of the horrors.

If this happens to you then consider joining a Public Speaking club. If you are in more of a hurry go to and see what help I can offer.

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