Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Moving On

I have been working quite hard on my website ( ) and have finally got my membership programme ( up and running.  It's not perfect yet, but based on the premise that "imperfect action is better than perfect inaction" I have decided to go ahead with the launch.

I have also added some public speaking tips which can be accessed from my resources page I plan to add several more tips pages in the not too distant future and will also be adding a series of articles.

While doing all of the above, I have felt myself become drawn into the technical side of things and neglecting my core business which is to help people improve their public speaking skills and make some money from it.

As a small business, I can't yet afford to outsource my IT so I will be doing my own for the near future.  This means that I will need to manage my time better.  Trouble is I only realise these needs from reading books, watching videos and listening to audio recordings, all of which takes up time and moves me away from my core business.

On the upside I am learning a lot of new material that I can speak about and this will ultimately enhance my business.  I will undoubtedly include some of this material in  my next book, which I will have published before summer is out.

James McGinty

Thursday, 20 May 2010

A New Challenge

I have been appointed as PR Officer for the Association of Speakers Clubs.  This is quite an honour, but also a huge challenge.  Most of all it is an opportunity for growth.  I don't really do PR for my own business - that is more of a marketing exercise.

Perhaps in taking on this role, I will develop the appropriate skills to use in my own business.

I have a fairly sound idea of how to tackle this role, but if anyone would like to comment with any suggestions, I would be most grateful.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

A True Dilemma

What to do?

Here I am a budding entrepreneur on the cusp of great success. My web site needs about 6 hours work and it will be ready for re-launch, my book,,  has been published and I have the bare bones of a marketing campaign planned.

I also have a commitment to delivering 3 free speeches this week, a mentoring to call to attend and the garden looks like it belongs to a derelict building in an abandoned dockyard.

Conventional wisdom says, ditch the free stuff, skip the mentoring call and leave the garden a little longer.
Apparently you can't start a business unless you are consistently putting in 18 hour work days and being totally driven.

Perhaps I have got to the stage I am at, in a longer time than necessary, because I am not putting in these hours, and am not as driven as I should be.

I value my health, both mental and physical, so I try to fit in some time for relaxing, some time for family, some time for friends and some time for me. Working every hour possible would simply alienate me from family and friends, and from the me that I know and love. Too many working hours will lead to physical health problems. Neglecting responsibilities can lead to mental health issues, like stress and depression.

I think I have got the balance slightly wrong and don't focus enough on the business, So I am going to sort the garden, attend my mentoring call and do those 3 speeches. After that I will be more careful about volunteering my services, so that I don't have to give as many speeches (at least not free ones). The garden will be re-planned, so that it takes less work. The mentoring call will stay, because it is only through being accountable for your progress, that you will succeed.

Please follow my lead if you are in a start up business. Work hard, but work smart. Work long hours when you have to but programme in leisure time. Above all make sure your whole life balance leads to health, because without that you can't run a business.

James McGinty

Friday, 14 May 2010

All Change

After much thought, I decided to turn my e-book into a small paperback. It can be purchased from  Clicking the preview button will let you read most of the first section.

My original intent was that this would be an electronic giveaway.  I changed my mind when I realised that, although I had not created a literary masterpiece, I had put a lot of effort into this book and that it was the result of several years of learning and practice.

I am happy for others to learn from the fruits of my labours.  I also believe that taking a shortcut to success is a good thing and should be encouraged.  There is no point in reinventing the wheel.

The real reason for the change is one of perceived value. 

How many of us download free resources from the internet and then don't take full advantage of them.  I have many free ebooks and resources, languishing in a folder, waiting for the "someday" on which I will read them.

If I have to go to the effort of purchasing something, no matter how low priced, I am one hundred times more likely to make use of it.

Please consider purchasing a copy and giving me some feedback on it.

Should you want a signed copy, email me on and I will arrange it.  Cost is likely to be around £10.00 include postage.

For thiose of you who want to listen to the book in the car, an audio version will be released in a few weeks time.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

I'm nearly famous

I finally completed the text for my e-book on public speaking. This was my first real attempt at writing and I am rather pleased with it. As I read through it last night I spotted at least a dozen errors so it will be a few days before it is ready for release.

Writing this book was a brilliant exercise. I set myself a limit of 1,000 words on each section. I discovered that in some sections I had to cut myself short and be really succinct and to the point. In other sections I was struggling to reach a thousand words.

I now have to analyse this and decide whether it is a lack of knowledge on my part that made me struggle to reach 1,000 words, or is it that those sections simply didn't merit any more.

The same applies to the sections that I had to rein in. Is it poor writing on my part, or is it that these sections require a lot more information to be imparted.
By the time I investigate these issues, I hope to have enough material and sense of direction to write a "proper" book on public speaking.

The e-book will be available sometime next week, from

Monday, 5 April 2010

Still Working

Easter is over, and if it wasn't for all the Facebook updates and twitter tweets, I probably wouldn't have noticed it. Work-wise it's been frustrating but productive.

I took advantage of the Getting British Business Online (GBBO) campaign I got the free website It is really easy to set this up. If anyone wants a simple 4 or 5 page website, with no bells and whistles, then this is cool.

I put a form on one of the pages so that people could get my FREE Wheel of Life tool for Excel (if you want a copy go to and click the "Free Stuff" link). As I tried to save the page, I was informed that my code was illegal and it was swiftly removed by Google. After much investigation, I figured out how to get the form on the page by using a "Gadget". I am still trying to work out how to get a Facebook "Fan Box" on the site.

Monetising the site with ad-sense also proved a little difficult and I suspect I will have on going issues with adds from power companies, rather than those for "Personal Power" resources.

Installing Google analytics didn't work in the usual fashion either. After much searching I finally got that working as well.  The web site is now satisfactory (but only just) and I am a little wiser.

The most amusing thing is that BT(one of the GBBO partners) called me and said that they had noticed how basic my web site is, and they would build me something better for just £150.00. The other option they offered was training me tyo use the Google sites interface for £150.00.

What no-one has offered is the ability for me to use e-mail on the free domain, not even or the ability to set it up elsewhere. This is not critical at the moment but may cause me problems in future.
I haven't read the full T's and C's, but I am betting the domain renewal won't be free in two years time. I am sure that I will be getting many more sales calls from BT as well. I will let you all know when they try and sell me the mailbox.

However, on balance I reckon it's a good deal for me and a great deal for anyone wanting a fairly basic website.

James McGinty

Saturday, 3 April 2010

To work or not to work

It's Good Friday (given the event it commemorates, surely a huge misnomer) and I have achieved quite a lot  towards building my business.

Running a business from home makes one day seem very much like any other.  Given that less people will have "jobs" in the future, will public holidays disappear?

As we build towards a truly global workspace, will we see a "One World" culture and will it be a 24/7/365 culture, where each of us works the hours we choose (or are forced upon us by the contracts we work on) and takes time off when we choose.

Our future is almost certainly going to entail more choices and we will need to be equipped to make them.

Remember this.

"A wise man makes his choices quickly and changes his mind slowly, a fool makes his choices slowly and changes his mind quickly" - James McGinty 2010

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Becoming a Web Star

Listening to a webinar entitled

"Social Media updates for Successful Business"

It is becoming clear that social media is the marketing tool of the future and that it is very effective right now. I am already collecting clients and business via facebook and twitter. and @james8734.

As a new business I find this both exciting and daunting. I spend a lot of time updating these sites and also investigating you tube, slideshare, linkedin, ecademy, etc and it eats into time that could be productive in other areas. There is definitely scope for outsourcing at least some of these items.

What I have discovered is that the more you access social media, in a responsible fashion, the better known you become. As you become better known people begin to trust you and are then prepared to buy your products or services.

Jump on the social media band wagon now or get left behind.

James McGinty


Monday, 22 March 2010

Its never easy

I am am determined to become a regular blogger, but it's not that easy.  Finding the time every day can be a real chore as can finding fresh material.

My intention was to focus the blog on Public Speaking and related topics,  but I was using too narrow a mind set.  I will continue with the blog and update more often but will probably address a wider range of topics.  I have finally got to the stage of starting my own business.  Small beginiings.  I deliver my first "Personal Power" Course on 23rd April for the local community in Harwich.

I now have 2 websites whioch will relate to all things public speaking and which will relate to success through personal power.  I will be adding free resources to both sites so feel free to drop by.