Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Becoming a Web Star

Listening to a webinar entitled

"Social Media updates for Successful Business"

It is becoming clear that social media is the marketing tool of the future and that it is very effective right now. I am already collecting clients and business via facebook and twitter. http://www.facebook.com/jamesmcginty and @james8734.

As a new business I find this both exciting and daunting. I spend a lot of time updating these sites and also investigating you tube, slideshare, linkedin, ecademy, etc and it eats into time that could be productive in other areas. There is definitely scope for outsourcing at least some of these items.

What I have discovered is that the more you access social media, in a responsible fashion, the better known you become. As you become better known people begin to trust you and are then prepared to buy your products or services.

Jump on the social media band wagon now or get left behind.

James McGinty



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