Tuesday, 18 October 2011

tweet tweet

I have my business idea.
I have my website www.superiorseminars.co.uk
I have my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Superior-Seminars/163642547055530.
I have my twitter account Follow @jamesmcginty
Now I just need lots of visitors who are interested in my services (making money from public speaking).

Having listened to the "Gurus" I decided that twitter was the easiest way to build some traffic momentum. The idea is to find someone in the same niche and then follow their followers in the hope that they will follow you back. This sounds extremely simple, and it is. However there are a couple of little wrinkles that they fail to mention and I thought I would share these with you.

Twitter has limits.

I have still to investigate these limits fully but it seems that when you follow 2,000 people you need to balance your follower to followers ratio or you get blocked from following more accounts. Twitter don't publish the ratio but I am sure some serious web searching will uncover it.

This is a one way ratio. you can have as many followers as you like, which is fair. So basically you can't just go around following loads of people and hoping they will follow you back. you need to post lots of quality tweets and let your momentum build.

Auto followers

The other little wrinkle is that lots of accounts have set up auto follows. This sounds great, and on the surface looks like a good way to build your follower base. In practice it just means that you are probably adding yourself to a marketers database. Instead of building a list of like-minded followers, who will be interested in your services, you are simply adding to the twitter "churn" of useless tweets.


By all means checkout the leaders in your market place and follow them and some of their followers. You should be subjected to interesting and beneficial information.

Only follow a few accounts each day and make sure they are interested in your niche.

Post good quality tweets on a regular basis. If you include links make sure they lead to quality content.

regularly check who you are following and keep focused on only following those you really want to and who are providing you with useful tweets.

Post some fun tweets and engage in conversations.

Above all don't SPAM your followers as, if you do, they will soon disappear.

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